
Setting up a representative office (RO) has been a very popular vehicle for many foreign enterprises as their initial step going into the China business markets. In comparing to setting up a company in China, it costs much less and faster in establishing a RO. There is no capital requirement and the total time taken will be in about 60 working days, including the application for the Certificate of the Leasing Registration.

In general, the RO is of key importance to note that a Representative Office is not a separate legal entity rather it is an extension of its parent enterprise. A Representative Office may only engage in non-profit making activities.

It can carry out the following functions:

  • Conduct research and survey for its parent enterprise in the local market;
  • Liaise with local and foreign contacts in China on behalf of the parent enterprise;
  • Conduct research and provide data and promotional materials to potential clients or trading partners;
  • Act as a coordinator for the parent enterprise’s activities in China;
  • Make travel arrangements for parent enterprise representatives and potential Chinese clients;

Under no circumstances may a Representative Office do the following:

  • Directly engaged in any business for profit;
  • Sign contracts or deals on behalf of the parent enterprise;
  • Represent any firm other than its parent enterprise;
  • Collect money or issue invoice within China f or services or products;
  • Buy property or import production equipment;
  • Representative Office Registration Procedures.


  1. 外国公司绵阳家政注册证书的公证及中国使领馆认证文件(原件2份)
  2. 外国公司绵阳家政资信证明原件
  3. 首席代表护照复印件
  4. 首席代表2寸彩照2张
  5. 首席代表任命书原件(需要外国公司绵阳家政法人签字)
  6. 租赁合同复印件
  7. 注册地址产权证复印件(如没有产权证,请提供购房合同及售房许可证复印件)
  8. 产权人为自然人:提供自然人身份证复印件;产权人为公司绵阳家政:提供营业执照复印件加盖公章;若出租方非产权人:需提供产权人授权文件并加盖公章的复印件
  9. 商住两用房:提供“不扰民保证书”并加盖业主委员会或者居民委员会章(写字楼无需提供)
  10. 代表处设立登记绵阳保姆申请书(需要外国公司绵阳家政董事长及绵阳首席代表签字)



  1. 各资料的协助办理及准备
  2. 工商登记绵阳保姆证
  3. 首席代表工作证
  4. 全套章及备案(首席代表章、公章、财务章)
  5. 组织机构代码证及IC卡
  6. (国、地)税务登记绵阳保姆证
  7. 基本户开户许可证
  8. 美金户备案及开立


  1. 工商执照、首席代表工作证:5个工作日
  2. 组织机构代码:3个工作日(加急办理1个工作日,加急费120)
  3. 税务登记绵阳保姆证:1个工作日
  4. 银行开户许可证:3-5个工作日
  5. 美金户备案:1个工作日

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